Sunday, August 8, 2010


So it has been a while, but with not much going on, it's hard to think of what to write. It was final week, I have one left this week and then two classes in the fall, until I am officially a college graduate. Work has been pretty uneventful, still waiting to hear the fall assignment. Whatever classroom I teach in, I will be happy. I am also looking forward to having the next 7 or so months with Wayne.
I ended up getting shingles from a outbreak of chicken pox at work...yep what fun. Although the medicine they put me on seems to be doing it's job, I am suffering from most of it's side effects. Six more days, until that it over...I can not wait.
Other than that all is good here, Olive is a spunky as ever and Wayne is wonderfull.
Hope all is good back home as well!